Kevin K. Williams, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Science And Math Complex 130Office: (716) 878-5116
Email: williakk@buffalostate.edu
Kevin Williams, Associate Professor and Director of the Whitworth Ferguson Planetarium.
Dr. Kevin Williams has been the director of the Whitworth Ferguson Planetarium since 2010.
An associate professor of geosciences at SUNY Buffalo State, Williams is also responsible for giving presentations to planetarium visitors. These groups are diverse, including K–12 students from city and suburban schools, college students from courses on campus, special needs adults from area programs, children in summer programs, and adults from private groups. Although the programs cover similar topics, Williams modifies his presentations to the specific audience.
With a bachelor's degree in astronomy and physics and graduate degrees in planetary geology, Dr. Williams' background and research experiences translate into exciting lessons in the planetarium.
His expertise and creativity as a speaker is recognized throughout the region.