The geosciences honors program provides a unique opportunity for undergraduates completing either their geology, B.A. or their earth sciences, B.S. The program enables undergraduate students with outstanding academic potential to participate in geoscience-related research. Working closely with a faculty mentor, the student gains research experiences not offered by regular courses. The product of this research is an undergraduate thesis (GES 498) and the designation "Departmental Honors Program" following the major on the student's transcripts.
Entry to the honors program is by application, see the department office (SAMC 160) for an application. Minimum requirements for acceptance are:
Completion of 12 credits in the earth sciences, with a minimum of six credits from Buffalo State
A 3.25 overall GPA
A 3.50 major GPA
Acceptance of a faculty member to serve as a mentor.
The designation "Departmental Honors Program" will be awarded if the following requirements are met prior to graduation:
Completion of all departmental requirements for either geology, B.A. or earth sciences, B.S.;
Maintenance of a 3.25 overall GPA
Maintenance of a 3.50 major GPA
Acceptance of the Honors Thesis - GES 498 (6 credits)