Stephen J. Vermette, Ph.D.
Professor SAMC 143Phone: (716) 878-4930
Email: vermetsj@buffalostate.edu
Professor of Geography, within the Geosciences Department at SUNY Buffalo State. My teaching interests are in physical geography; specifically, meteorology, climatology, and on water-related issues. Recent courses taught: Meteorology (GEG/GES 241), Arctic Geography (GEG 359), Weather & Society (GEG 386), Extreme Weather (GEG 383), Quantitative Methods (GEG 390), and Watershed Analysis (GEG 421).
Current activities revolve around Western New York’s (WNY) meteorology and climatology, with a focus on researching the geography, science, and history of WNY’s Weather/Climate; defining and characterizing WNY’s climate zones; and researching climate trends within Western New York - characterizing WNY’s climatic responses and nonresponse in a warming world. Additional activities involve watershed research, including assessing water quality in local streams and lakes.
On a lighter side, I serve as custodian for the Golden Snowball trophy while it is in Buffalo - over the past couple of years Buffalo was the snowiest city in New York State and the country.
Currently serving as a Research Associate of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences and as a Board Member of the Erie County Soil and Water Conservation District. Past Co-coordinator of the New York Geographic Alliance (NYGA) and Research Director of the NYGA project “B-Wet Upper Susquehanna Project’’.
Received the National Council for Geographic Education Distinguished Teaching Achievement Award in 2006, and the Buffalo State President's Award for Distinguished Teaching in 2010. Recipient of a commendation from the National Geographic Society for dedicated leadership rendered to the State of New York to ensure the geographic literacy of the next generation, as well as the 2011 Virginia Figura Award from the NYGA in recognition of distinguished service to geographic education in New York State. Awarded the 2013 Burchfield Penney Art Center’s “Esprit de Corps Award”, as well as a Certificate of Commendation, with co-curator Tullis Johnson, from Museumwise for “Weather Event’” − an exhibition of Charles Burchfield’s watercolors as interpreted from a meteorological perspective.
Selected Publications
Vermette, S. 2024. How Does Climate Change Affect WNY Gardens? Buffalo-Niagara Gardening, November 11, 2024. https://buffalo-niagaragardening.com/2024/11/12/how-does-climate-change-affect-wny-gardens/.
Vermette, S. 2024. Buffalo’s Weather Story: The Early Years, Western New York Heritage Magazine, 27 (3), 16-25.
Vermette, S. The Golden Snowball: It’s a ‘Threepeater’, June 10, 2024. https://www.buffalorising.com/2024/06/the-golden-snowball-its-a-threepeater-for-buffalo/
Panek, A., Vermette, S., and Perrelli, M., 2023. Hiram Lake Water Quality Assessment 2023. Report to the Hiram Lake Club, Arcade, NY, 40pp.
Vermette, S. Creeping Normality: What is Normal Weather? Buffalo Rising, August 9, 2023. https://www.buffalorising.com/2023/08/creeping-normality-what-is-normal-weather/
Vermette, S. Is There Snow in Buffalo’s Future? Buffalo Rising, January 17, 2023. https://www.buffalorising.com/2023/01/is-there-snow-in-buffalos-future/
Warren, R.J., Vermette, S. 2022. Laurentian Great Lakes warming threatens northern fruit belt refugia. Int J Biometeorol 66, 669–677. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-021-02226-6
Vermette, S. 2020. Western New York’s (WNY’s) Five Climate Zones. Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Sciences, vol. 21, Nos 1,2,3,4,5. Rochester, NY.
Vermette, S. 2019 “The Face of WNY’s Weather”, Buffalo, NY. 218pp.
Vermette, S. 2017. Weathering Change in WNY: WNY’s Five Climate Zones. Report prepared for Designing to Live Sustainably (d2ls), Buffalo, NY. 14pp.
Vermette, S. 2017. Weathering Change in WNY: Climatic Trend Analysis (1965-2016). Report prepared for Designing to Live Sustainably (d2ls), Buffalo, NY. 29pp.
Vermette, S. 2016. Chains of Connection: Alexander von Humboldt’s Meteorological Legacy Lives On, Weatherwise, 69 (6), 32-38.
Vermette, S. 2016. Buffalo’s Humboldt Centennial, Western New York Heritage Magazine, 19 (2), 54-61.
Vermette, S. and Graves, S, 2015. The Seasonality of Regional Maximum Temperatures Associated with Changing Surface Insolation Penetration: A Western New York Case Study. Journal of the Middle States Geographer, 48, 41-47.
Vermette, S. 2015. Enough Already! Buffalo’s Snowvember, Weatherwise, 68 (4), 34-39.
Bloom, F. and Vermette, S. 2014 The Influence of Climate Teleconnections on Winter Temperatures in Western New York, Middle States Geographer, 47, 60-67.
Powell, C., and Vermette, S., 2014.The Powell and Vermette Equation: Calculating American Cave Temperatures. NSS News, 72 (3), 18-19.
Vermette, S. and Johnson, T., 2014. Wind, Sunshine, and Sky: A Meteorologist’s Interpretation of Charles E. Burchfield’s Watercolors. Weatherwise, 67 (2), 27-33.
Cameron, G. and Vermette, S., 2012. The Role of Extreme Cold in the Failure of the San Miguel De Gualdape Colony. The Georgia Historical Quarterly, 96 (3), 291-307.
Irvine, K.N., Vermette, S.J. and Firuza Begham Mustafa, 2013. The "Black Waters" of Malaysia: Tracking Water Quality from the Peat Swamp Forest to the Sea. Sains Malaysiana, 42 (11), 1539-1548. http://www.ukm.my/jsm/pdf_files/SM-PDF-42-11-2013/01%20Kim%20Irvine.pdf
Vermette, S., Kanack, J. Bloom, F., Brzezniak, B., Matalonis, Wm, and Thomas, S. 2012. Sunshine Report: Solar Energy in Western New York. Report to the Western New York Peace Center, Buffalo, NY, 25pp.
Vermette, S. and Kanack, J. 2012. Modeling Frost Line Soil Penetration Using Freezing Degree-Day Rates, Day Length, and Sun Angle. Proceedings of the 69th Annual Eastern Snow Conference, Frost Valley, NY, June 5-7, 2012, 143-156.
Cameron, G. and Vermette, S.J. 2012. The Role of Extreme Cold in the Failure of the San Miguel de Gualdape Colony. The Georgia Historical Quarterly, 96 (3), 291-307.
Vermette, S. J. 2012. Friend and Foe: Weather and the War of 1812. Weatherwise, January/February, 22-28.
Bernosky, J.D. and Vermette S.J. 2012. Temporal Characteristics of Airborne Particulate Matter in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Environment Asia, 5 (2), 11-15.
Vermette, S. J. and Zaff, D. 2012. A Cold Pool Microscale Effect Resulting from Nocturnal Winter Radiational Cooling. Final Report to COMET Outreach Program, COMET Partners Project Z10-83405, 26pp.
Irvine, K.N., Rossi, M., Vermette, S.J., Bakert, J. and Kleinfelder, K. 2011 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination: Low Cost Options for Source Identification and Trackdown in Stormwater Systems. Urban Water Journal, 8 (6), 379-395.
Vermette, S.J. 2011. Pre-Restoration Wetland Characterization: Woodlawn Beach State Park, Report to the Great Lakes Research Consortium (GLRC), Project # 235908-01. Syracuse, NY, 22 pp.
Vermette, S.J., Bernosky, J. and Graber Neufeld, D. 2011. Mapping of Airborne Particulates in Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Comparisons with Bangkok, Thailand and Phoenix, Arizona. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, 8 (2): 1-9.
Vermette, S.J. 2011. The Afternoon the Sun Disappeared over Western New York. Western New York Heritage Magazine, 14 (1): 58-61.
Vermette, S.J. and Bittner, C. 2010. Seasonal Temperature and Precipitation Forecasts Using a Climate Probability Approach: Buffalo, New York. Middle States Geographer, 43: 44-49.
Water Resources and Development in Southeast Asia, 2010. K. Irvine, T. Murphy, V. Vanchan, and S. Vermette, (eds.). Center for Southeast Asia Environment and Sustainable Development. Published by Pearson Custom Publishing.
Vermette, S.J.and Hall, L. 2009. Cave Climatology of Laurel Caverns, PA, Pennsylvania Geographer, 47, 124-140.
Rossi, M.C., Hersey Jr., T.R., Irvine, K. and Vermette, S. 2009. Western New York Stormwater Coalition: Compliance Through Collaboration. Conceptual Modeling of Urban Water Systems, Monograph 17, W. James, K.N. Irvine, E.A. McBean, and R.E. Pitt, eds., Computational Hydraulics International, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Vermette, S.J. and Christopher, S., 2008. Using the Rate of Accumulated Freezing and Thawing Degree Days as a Surrogate for Determining Freezing Depth in a Temperate Forest Soil, Middle States Geographer, 41, 68-73.
Vermette, S.J, Drakes, J, and Niziol, T. 2008. Assessment of Beach Closures Attributed to Rainfall Using Archived Radar Data: Erie County, New York, Prepared for NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, 29pp.
McInerney, T. and Vermette, S.J., 2008. Development of a Severe Winter Index: Buffalo, NY. Geographical Bulletin , 49(1): 47-55.
Vermette, S.J. 2007. There is Snow in Our Future, New York Snowmobiler, 3 (5), 21-22.
Vermette, S.J., Torok, D., Wehn, K., Vermette, V.G., 2007. San Salvador, Bahamas Teaching Guide. The College of the Bahamas, Gerace Research Center, San Salvador, Bahamas, 234pp.
Vermette, S.J. and Orengo, E., 2006. A Re-examination of Buffalo's Lost Lake Effect. Geographical Bulletin., 48 (2), 97-108.
Vermette, S.J., 2006. Storms of Tropical Origin: A Climatology for New York State, USA (1851-2005), Natural Hazards, 42 (1), 91-103. (off-prints are available), a review,, poster.
LaRussa, M. and Vermette, S.J. 2005. A Re-examination of the Climatological Impact of the Lake Erie-Niagara Ice Boom on Buffalo, NY. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 31 (3): 288-295.
Vermette, S.J., Gall, W.K., and Fay, T.J., 2003. Physiography and Insect Fauna of Scoby Dam Cave: Western New York, Middle States Geographer, 36: 164-170.
Vermette, S.J. and Hudson, R., 2001. Hydrology of Watling's Blue Hole: San Salvador, Bahamas, Middle States Geographer, 34: 55-62.
Sweet, C.W. ,Weiss, A., and Vermette, S.J., 1998. Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Metals at Three Sites Near the Great Lakes. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 103, 423-439.
Vermette, S.J. and Torok, D.M. 1997. Mid-lake Versus Shoreline Dry Deposition: Eastern Lake Erie. The Great Lakes Geographer, 4 (2):57-63.
Ross, H.B. and Vermette, S.J., 1995. Precipitation. In: D. Salbu and E. Steinnes (eds.), Trace Elements in Natural Waters, CRC Press.