My research interests include economic and social development; competitiveness and strategies; sustainability and global supply chains; manufacturing and reshoring; trade and investments (FDIs); cross-cultural management and negotiation; Southeast Asia, and emerging economies.
I teach courses in human resource management, globalization, technology, competition, and service economies; geographies of development, human geography, world regional geography, principles of economic geography, industrial geography, geography of Asia, introduction to urban geography, and corporate applications in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Selected publications | Selected conference presentations and published abstracts
Selected publications
Vanchan, V. (Forthcoming) Global Economy: Geographies of Production during Crises. In Johns, J. and Marie Hall, S (Ed), Contemporary Economic Geographies: Inspiring, Critical and Diverse Perspectives (Bristol University Press)
Vanchan, V. (2021) An Ordinary but Extraordinary City, Siem Reap Angkor, Cambodia. In Bryson, J. R., R. V. Kalafsky., and V. Vanchan (Ed), Ordinary Cities, Extraordinary Geographies: People, Place and Space (Edward Elgar Publishing, UK).
Vanchan, V. (2021) Global Pandemic Disruptions, Reconfiguration and Glocalization of Production Networks. In Bryson, J.R., Andres, L, Ersoy, A. and Reardon, L. (Ed) (2021), Living with Pandemics: Places, People and Policy (Edward Elgar Publishing, UK).
Bryson, J.R., Kalafsky, R.V., and Vanchan, V. (2021) Ordinary Cities, Extraordinary Geographies: People, Place and Space. Edward Elgar Publishing, UK.
Bryson, J.R., Vanchan, V. and Zhou, S. (2021) Reshoring and Rightshoring versus Offshoring and the Reduction of Risk in Global Supply Chains and Production Networks. In Berry, C., Froud, J. and Baker, T. The Political Economy of Industrial Strategy in the UK (Agenda Publishing Limited).
Bryson, J. and Vanchan, V. (2020), 'Covid-19 and Alternative Conceptualisations of Value and Risk in GPN Research', Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 111 (3): 530-542.
Vanchan, V., Mulhall, R., and Bryson, J.R. (2018) Repatriation or Reshoring of Manufacturing to the U.S. and UK: Dynamics and Global Production Networks or From Here to There and Back Again. Growth and Change, 49(1): 97-121
Bryson, J.R., Clark, J., and Vanchan, V. (2015) Handbook of Manufacturing Industries in the
World Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing, UK.
Vanchan, V. (2015) Competitive Advantages of Design-Driven Manufacturing. Regions, 297(1), 10-11.
Vanchan, V. (2012) Review of Economic Geography: Places, Networks and Flows By Andrew Wood and Susan Roberts, Routledge, 2011. Economic Geography, 88(4): 457-458.
MacPherson, A. and Vanchan, V. (2010) Locational patterns and competitive characteristics of industrial design firms in the United States. In Rusten, G. and J.R. Bryson (Ed), Industrial Design, Competition, and Globalization (Palgrave MacMillan, UK).
MacPherson, A. and Vanchan, V. (2010) The outsourcing of industrial design by large U.S. manufacturing companies: an exploratory study. International Regional Science Review, 33(1): 3-30.
Irvine, K., Murphy, T., Vanchan, V., and Vermette, S (2010, eds) Water Resources and Development in Southeast Asia, US: Pearson Learning Solutions, a Pearson Education Company.
Vanchan, V. (2009) The competitive characteristics of U.S. industrial design firms. VDM Publishing Company, Germany. ISBN# 978-3-639-16086-4.
Vanchan, V. and MacPherson, A. (2008) The competitive characteristics of US firms in the industrial design sector: empirical evidence from a national survey. Competition and Change,
12(3): 262-280.
Vanchan, V. and MacPherson, A. (2008) The recent growth performance of U.S. firms in the industrial design sector: an exploratory study. Industry and Innovation, 15(1): 1-17.
Vanchan, V. (2007) Communication and relationships between industrial design companies and their customers. The Industrial Geographer, 4(2): 28-46.
MacPherson, A., McConnell, J.E., Vance, A. and Vanchan, V. (2006) The impact of US government anti-terrorism policies on Canada-US cross-border commerce: an exploratory study from western New York and Southern Ontario. Professional Geographer, 58(3): 266-277.
Selected conference presentations and published abstracts
Vanchan, V. and McCartney, S. (2023) Sustainability for What and Whom? 12th Annual Southeast Asia Week, March 24, 2023.
Vanchan, V. (2023) Cambodia and Southeast Asia Week. Innovation Creativity and Entrepreneurship Council Meeting, March 9, 2023.
Vanchan, V. (2022) Global Economy and Geographies of Production during Crises. Think Tank 2022 Public Lecture Series Webinar. Sponsored by Asian Vision Institute.
Vanchan, V. (2022) How to Conduct Scientific Research and Develop Papers for Publication in Academic Journals. PhD Program in Education, Faculty of Education, Royal University of Phnom Penh. May 29, 2022. (Invited)
Vanchan, V., McGovern, P., and Yacobucci, P. (2022) Panel Discussion on Governance, Politics of Covid-19 and Race. Eleventh Annual Southeast Asia Week, March 22, 2022.
Vanchan. V. (2021) Challenges and Opportunities of Researching and Teaching about Southeast Asia at SUNY and CUNY institutions, New York Southeast Asia Network Public Universities Consortium Inaugural Conference. Faculty Panel, April 29, 2021. (Invited)
Vanchan, V. and Soni, S. (2021) Microenterprises and Poverty Reduction: Case Studies from India and Cambodia. Tenth Annual Southeast Asia Week, March 22-26, 2021.
Vanchan, V. and Bryson, J. R. (2020) Covid 19 Impact on American Trade and Global Value Chains: Risks, Strategies and Future. Webinar, September 17, 2020.
Vanchan, V., Ceesay, A., Baek, K., and McGovern, P. (2019) Panel Discussion on Democracy and The State of Politics Around the World. Eight Annual Southeast Asia Week, March 13, 2019.
Vanchan, V. (2018) Modular Theory-Building, Dynamics and Global Production networks: Mapping Reshoring Activities in the United States. 2018 Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 10-14, 2018.
Vanchan, V. and Soni, S. (2017) Regional Territorial Disputes and Conflicts. Conflicts and Resolutions: Understanding and Living in Global Communities. Sixth Annual Southeast Asia Week, March 14-17, 2017.
Vanchan, V., Mulhall, R., and Bryson, J.R. (2016) "New" Global Geographies of Manufacturing: From Here to There and Back Again. 2016 Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, California, March 29 – April 2, 2016.
Vanchan, V. (2016) Discover Countries in Southeast Asia. Refugees in Crisis: Fifth Annual Southeast Asia Week, March 7-10, 2016.
Richardson, J. E., and Vanchan, V. (2016) History of buffalo Immigration and Southeast Asia Connection. Refugees in Crisis: Fifth Annual Southeast Asia Week, March 7-10, 2016.
Vanchan, V., Mulhall, R., and Bryson, J.R. (2015) From East to West? New Global Geographies of Manufacturing and the Reshoring of Production to the United States and United Kingdom. The Fourth Global Conference on Economic Geography, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, August 19-23, 2015.
Vanchan, V. (2015) Manufacturing, Fate, and Economic Recovery: A Chronological Study of Buffalo-Niagara Falls Metropolitan Area. 2015 Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, Chicago, IL.
Vanchan, V. and Bryson, J. R. (2013) Design and Manufacturing: Global Competitiveness of Industrial Design Companies in US, Europe, and China. 2013 Industry Studies Conference, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City, MO.
Vanchan, V. and Ren, H (2012) Recent Growth and Performance of Industrial Design Firms: A Comparative Study between U.S. and Chinese Firms. 2012 Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, New York, NY.
Vanchan, V. (2011) The Nature of Contracts, Network Cultivation, and Relationships between Industrial Design Firms and their Clients. 2011 Annual Meeting of Association of Amerian Geographers, Seattle, WA.
Vanchan, V. and Ren, H. (2010) Competitive Dynamics of Industrial Design Firms in China. 2010 Annual Conference of the Industry Studies Association, Chicago, IL.
Vanchan, V. Competitive Dynamics of U.S Industrial Design Firms. (2009) Annual Conference of the Industry Studies Association, Chicago, IL.
Vanchan, V. and MacPherson, A. (2007) The competitive characteristics of US firms in the industrial design sector: empirical evidence from a national survey. The 54th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Savannah, GA.
Vanchan, V. and MacPherson, A. (2006) The growth dynamics of U.S. firms in the industrial design sector. The 53rd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Toronto, Canada.
Vanchan, V. (2006) The characteristics of the U.S. industrial design firms and their relationships with client firms: empirical evidence from a national survey. Presented at the Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meetings in Chicago, IL.