

The geology, B.S. program enables students to concentrate in straightforward geology, whereas the earth sciences, B.S. program allows students to choose a more individualized program under three concentrations: geology, environmental earth sciences, and earth science education.

The earth sciences B.S. with honors program is for students who have demonstrated high standards of achievement and the ability to work independently. Accepted students work with a faculty member to complete an honors project, which may be published in a professional journal or presented at a scientific conference.

The environmental geography B.S. program provides students with the opportunity to study how humans impact, manage, and conserve the natural environment, including landforms, water and soil resources, climate, and plant and animal communities. Courses in the program focus on understanding processes and patterns in the natural environment, as well as quantitative analysis and applied, hands-on experiences in the classroom and in the field.  

Minors & Certificates

The astronomy, and geology minor programs are designed for students majoring in other departments who would like to develop an additional focus of study. The minors can be customized to enable students to develop a specialty in a wide range of fields.

The geography and meteorology and climatology minors may add a useful dimension to the student’s major, position students for possible alternative career options, or simply engage a student's interest.

The Environmental Science and Society certificate will enhance the preparation of students for careers in the environmental field. Students will learn to use problem-oriented, interdisciplinary approaches to recognize, comprehend and resolve complex environmental issues.

The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) certificate provides students with a background in spatial thinking, analysis, and mapping skills that will allow them to understand the application of geospatial technology to their discipline or career path. The geospatial skills and technology emphasized in the GIS certificate will enrich analysis and improve decision-making across disciplines.


Many of our geosciences undergraduates go on to graduate school, while others wish to be secondary science teachers after completing the B.S. in Earth Sciences.

Buffalo State's Career, Technical, and Science Education Department offers a master of science in science education program designed for individuals holding an undergraduate degree in a core science (biology, chemistry, earth science, geology, or physics). The program is offered in the School of Education.

Candidates who complete 31-37 credit hours (which includes student teaching and a master's project) in education coursework may qualify for NYSED initial teacher certification allowing them to teach science in grades 7-12 in New York State.

Graduates of the M.S.Ed. in science education program have been hired as biology, chemistry, earth science, and physics teachers at middle and high schools across Western New York and around the country and as educators in museums and nature centers.


Many of our graduates enroll in the Great Lakes Environmental graduate programs. They are offered in conjunction with the Great Lakes Center.

Great Lakes Ecosystems Science, M.A.

Great Lakes Ecosystems Science, M.S.

Job Growth

Employment of geoscientists is projected to grow 5 percent from 2021 to 2031.